January 18, 2006

I Deserve It


Heard at our house today:


Said it loud, say it proud, sister.


I've bought a pilates DVD today. As much as I love walking with Leslie, I need to do some strength training as well. I'll let ya'll know how it goes.


I was at the doctor's today and was reading an article about Bob Greene, he of Oprah's amazing weight loss. He said something in the article that struck me. He said that of all the people he has helped, he has never seen anyone succeed long term that didn't have an emotional break through at sometime in their program. He said it is just essential that at some point we all realize, "I deserve this. I deserve a better life."

It really struck me, because he's right. I do deserve this. Why don't I understand that yet? I deserve to feel good and look good and to fit into clothes that I like and to run and play with my kids without huffing and puffing and to give myself the best shot of a disease free life. I deserve it. So I need to start acting like it.


My Mom said something really insightful recently too. I can't remember where she heard it, but she said that this quote really struck her recently in relation to, not only her diet, but her life in general:

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.

I need to tell myself that when I go for that extra serving of pasta. Old habits die hard, and new habits are hard to form, but to make a better, more healthy life for myself, it's work that just needs to be done.


Now scale, I'm warning you, you better have moved tomorrow, and not up!!


Blogger Lauri said...

You deserve it...

I have this mantra that gets me going when im putting off excercise- "a little is better than nothing at all" yesterday I was dragging and it was such a chore to workout- But i kept telling myself
" just get started" " a little is better than nothing"
My other idea and you seem to already be doing this- is to make small weekly goals- you dont just drop a bad habit- you have to replace it with something else.
Maybe you need to change up your workout tapes- I have a whole bunch I could share my fav's-

keep up the good work

January 19, 2006 2:53 PM  
Blogger Maggie said...

For what it's worth, I think you're doing a great job. You listen to body and are honest with yourself. There's no better recipe or plan for success than that.

January 19, 2006 7:52 PM  

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